Sunday, June 21, 2009

What Is Going On In Iran?

One day, my friend asked me in her email that what is going on in Iran? I was happy that she asked me. She was not the only one these days who ask me what is going on in Iran. I was questioned "where is your black shirt?", "where is your green wrest band?", "where is your heart now?", "is your family safe?"....

I stopped, thought and then wrote for her:

My family are safe. But my people are not. My friends are not safe anymore. What you hear here is just a piece of the story. There is another world in Iran. Government is killing people. People are participating in rallies. Millions of people saying no to Iranian Taliban. They affraid of nothing. They just walk on the streets and express green revolution, peice and being beaten by those paid monsters. They never had a leader in the past 30 years. They were never allowed to pick someone who they can trust. Although, Mousavi is one of them, he is still a better person than who are in the power now. They voted for him. They turned the ballets and were surprised knowing that nobody counted their votes! There was another name coming out of the box. There was a name of another dictator.

Now, when they say why; when they say "where is my vote?"; they are beaten. There are murdered on the street. They are shot to death. These days, people leave their home doors open, so young can scape from militia and go to their home and save their lives. Internet is filtered but everynight we stay awake try to power VPNs and help people to send out evidences, pictures of pain, events and murderers. It is a wholenew world. It is expressing the passion of generations. It is love for freedom.

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